Painted Lady Butterflies - By The Dozen


We are the only company that ships Painted Lady Butterflies in individual boxes instead of origami envelopes!

IMPORTANT NOTE: live butterflies must be purchased separately from any other item on this website (except for individual release boxes). The butterflies have special shipping requirements and must be shipped separately. If you desire to order a mass release container, plantable favors, etc., please create a new order for those other items so that they will ship separately (this saves shipping cost for you as well!).

Please be sure to read all about the details of having a butterfly release at your event prior to making a purchase. 

Briefly, here's how it works: you may choose between an individual release, a mass release, or a combination of both. If you would like to upgrade your individual release boxes, please be sure to check out our individual butterfly release packaging options. Note - we are the only company that ships Painted Lady Butterflies in individual boxes instead of origami envelopes!

Custom printing is available for individually boxed butterflies.  If you would like to add custom printing to your order, please click HERE

If you choose to do a mass release, please be sure to select a mass release container after your purchase of the live butterflies (this will ship separately). Mass release butterflies are shipped in glassine transfer envelopes designed to make it easy for transferring. Butterfly transfer instructions will be provided. 

If you choose to do a combination of both mass release and individual release, please tell us how many you want in individual release boxes and how many you want prepared for a mass release in the special requests box at check-out.  (We will pack the mass release butterflies in glassine transfer envelopes for easy transfer to your mass release container.)

If you would like to add a few more butterflies without having to order an entire additional dozen, please see our additional painted lady butterfly product listing.